Scholarship Winners

2024 Scholarship Recipients Announced

Year over year, we continue to be beyond impressed and truly humbled by all the amazing applicants.  Each and every individual is amazing, and should be very proud of their accomplishments, but moreover, how they help to make this world a better place.  We were so pleased to announce the winners, Allie Hanlon and Mia Kehoskie!

2023 Winners Selected

We can’t believe we are awarding two more scholarships this year…we made it to year two!  We are so grateful for all the applicants that took the time to apply.  They all really put their heart and souls into their applications.  We are thrilled to announce that the two scholarships were provided to River Oodemool and Sophia Van Horn!

2022 Marks Year Inaugural Winners are Chosen to Win First Two Scholarships!

These scholarships are to honor Mike’s and Sam’s lives, their commitment to friendship and teamwork, and to help future West Genesee graduates reach their dreams.

We were truly blown away by each and every applicant that we received interest from.  Every individual truly portrayed characteristics that Mike and Sam valued, and we know that each applicant will go far in life.  However, two individuals truly embodied what Sam and Mike were all about – helping the underdog.

This year, we were grateful to welcome into the WG 14 Foundation Family – Elizabeth Sachar and Joe Snyder!  Both of these individuals will make this world just a little bit brighter – we just know it!  Cheers to Elizabeth and Joe and we are cheering them on as they journey through their college years and their lives.  We are here for you!

One of the winners of the scholarships, Joe Snyder, let us know what it meant to him to be one of the winners of the first two scholarships:

“Dear WG 14 Foundation,

College is going great so far! I am really enjoying my time at RIT, although I do miss my family and friends back home….Winning the WG 14 Scholarship was a huge honor especially because I personally knew Sam Griffo. Knowing that I represented some of the same qualities that Sam and Mike had shared, made me very proud. Winning the scholarship was financially helpful with me attending RIT. I am so grateful and honored to have been awarded this scholarship. I look forward to supporting the WG 14 Foundation in the near future.

Thank you again for everything, I look forward to attending the fundraiser once Thanksgiving rolls around.

Sincerely, Joe Snyder”